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Alpha Pi Epsilon 


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Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society 


Article I.  Name of Society

The name of this Society shall be "Phi Theta Kappa."


Article II.  Purpose of Society

The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.


Article III.  Insignia of Society

Section 1.  Emblem.
The emblem of this Society shall be a golden slab, keyed at the top and bottom. Across the center of the slab is a black enamel band upon which three Greek letters appear, which are the initials of three mystic Greek words symbolizing phronimon (Phi), thumos (Theta), katharotes (Kappa) and meaning wisdom, aspiration, and purity. Behind the band is a wreath, on the one side composed of oak leaves, and on the other, of laurel. The wreath of oak leaves denotes stability and strength of character, and the curling leaves of laurel signify achievement and success. Above the band is a representation of the head of Athena, Goddess of Learning; in the base appear the mystic Greek letters meaning light, the light of learning and knowledge.

Section 2.  Colors.
The colors of the Society shall be blue, for scholarship, and gold, for purity.

Section 3.  Seal.
The official seal of the Society shall be of the same general character as the emblem.


Article IV.  Membership in the Society

Section 1.  Types of Membership.
The Society shall consist of active, provisional, alumni, and honorary members:

A.  Active Members.
An active member of Phi Theta Kappa shall be a student who has met the requirements for membership in an active chapter of the Society as set forth in Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution, and who has been duly initiated into the Society; and who maintains the standards required for good standing for active membership.

B.  Provisional Members.
A provisional member of Phi Theta Kappa shall be a student who, in the opinion of the local chapter, has shown an active interest in the affairs of the Society and who serves the Society in some special capacity, but who does not meet the full requirements for active membership in the Society. A provisional member shall not have the right to vote, hold office, or to represent the chapter at meetings of the Society.

C.  Alumni Members.
An alumnus member shall be a former member of the Society who terminated active membership in good standing and who was enrolled for at least one year in a two-year college.
NOTE: In this Constitution the word "Alumni" is interpreted as meaning both Alumni and Alumnae.

D.  Honorary Members.
An honorary member shall be a person who, in the opinion of the Society or of the local chapter, has rendered distinguished service. National* honorary membership shall be conferred at the discretion of the Executive Committee and local honorary membership shall be conferred at the discretion of the local chapter.

Section 2.  Eligibility for Membership.
To be eligible for membership in Phi Theta Kappa, a student must:
A.  Be enrolled in a two-year college;
B.  Have accumulated the number of credit hours used by that college to designate full-time status;
C.  Have a grade point average equivalent to not less than a "B.";
D.  Have established academic excellence as judged by the faculty;
E.  Be of good moral character and shall possess recognized qualities of citizenship.

Section 3.  Active Membership.
To maintain active membership, a student, at the end of each academic term (as defined by the college) shall have maintained a grade-point average of not less than a "B" and shall have maintained the standards necessary for membership in the Society.

Section 4.  Chapter Requirements for Membership.
Each local chapter shall have the prerogative of raising the academic standards required for membership, or of adhering to those set forth in Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution of the Society.

Section 5.  Revocation of Membership.
In the event that a member does not meet the requirements for continuing membership in the Society as stated in Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution, the name of the member shall be removed from the chapter and national* membership rolls.


Article V.  National* Organization

* In 1991, the organization expanded into Canada and thus became international.

Section 1.  Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall be composed of: one (1) chapter advisor; one (1) regional coordinator; one (1) student member; one (1) alumnus member; one (1) national* honorary member; one (1) two-year college administrator; and the Executive Director.

A.  Terms of Office.
Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve a three-year term, with the exception of the Executive Director, who will be a permanent member of the Board, and the student member, who will serve a one-year term. A member of the Board of Directors may not serve longer than two successive terms, and if, for any reason, a member of the Board of Directors is unable to complete the full term, the Executive Director, with the consent of the Board, will appoint a qualified person to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.

B.  Election of the Board of Directors.
Directors shall be chosen by the following procedures:
(1)  The chapter advisor shall be elected by the active chapter advisors present at the National* Convention.
(2)  The regional coordinator shall be elected by the active chapter advisors present at the National* Convention.
(3)  The student member shall be elected by the Board of Directors from the Executive Committee.
(4)  The alumnus member shall be elected by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Executive Director.
(5)  The honorary member shall be elected by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Executive Director.
(6)  The two-year college administrator shall be elected by the Executive Committee from recommendations made to the Executive Director by the active chapter advisors of the Society.
(7)  The Executive Director is a member of the Board of Directors by virtue of office.

C.  Duties of the Board of Directors.
The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to determine the policies for the operation of Phi Theta Kappa and to be trustees of all Phi Theta Kappa properties. The duties and responsibilities not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the Executive Committee are vested in the Board of Directors.

Section 2.  National* Officers.
The national* officers of Phi Theta Kappa shall be composed of a President and Vice Presidents from each of the designated regions as defined in the Bylaws of Phi Theta Kappa.

A.  Terms of Office.
Each of the national* officers will serve a one-year term.

B.  Election to Office.
Elections for national* officers of Phi Theta Kappa shall be held annually at the National* Convention. A simple majority vote of the convention shall be necessary to elect each national* officer.

C.  Qualifications.
Any active member of any active chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall be eligible for national* candidacy.

D.  Removal from Office.
A national* officer may be removed from office if he or she is no longer an active member of an active chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, or if three-fourths (3/4) of the active chapters recommend by petition to the Board of Directors that any such officer be removed.

E.  Duties of Officers.
The duties of the national* officers of Phi Theta Kappa shall be as follows:
(1)  The President of Phi Theta Kappa shall
(a)  Preside at the National* Convention;
(b)  Make the keynote address at the first general session of the National* Convention;
(c)  Make all convention committee appointments;
(d)  Install the national* officers for the new term;
(e)  Serve as a member of and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee;
(f)  Sign all charters issued; and
(g)  Confer regularly with the Executive Director of Phi Theta Kappa. The President may attend regional meetings of Phi Theta Kappa and may act for the Vice Presidents if necessary.

(2)  If the President is unable to perform his assigned duties, the Executive Committee shall elect one of its members as President Pro-Tempore to act in the capacity of President until such time as the President is able to return to his duties. If the President is unable to return to his duties, the President Pro-Tempore shall serve as President until a new President is elected.

(3)  The Vice Presidents of Phi Theta Kappa shall
(a)  Be members of the Executive Committee and attend all its meetings;
(b)  Assist the Executive Director in planning their respective regional meetings;
(c)  Report the minutes of each of these meetings to the National* Headquarters; and
(d)  Perform whatever other duties or services are required in the orderly operation of the Society.

Section 3.  Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee of Phi Theta Kappa shall consist of the National* President of Phi Theta Kappa and the four Vice Presidents who are elected respectively from each of the regions; the Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the committee.

A.  Term of Executive Committee Members.
Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve on the Committee for the full term by virtue of elective office.

B.  Duties of the Executive Committee.
The duties of the Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
(1)  To perform all functions specifically designated to the Executive Committee by this Constitution.
(2)  To select one of its members to act as President Pro-Tempore, if the President of Phi Theta Kappa is unable to perform the constitutional duties of the office and to assume those duties and responsibilities until the President is again able to discharge them.

Section 4.  Executive Director and Staff.
The Executive Director is the chief administrative officer of the Society.

A.  Election of Executive Director.
The Executive Director is elected to that position by the Board of Directors.

B.  Term of Office and Compensation.
The term of office and salary of the Executive Director shall be determined by the Board of Directors, and the Executive Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.

C.  Duties of the Executive Director.
The duties of the Executive Director shall consist of the following:
(1)  To perform all administrative duties of the Society not otherwise delegated.
(2)  To collect fees for the Society.
(3)  To maintain custody of the funds of the Society.
(4)  To supervise Society staff employees.

D.  Staff.
All national* staff members of Phi Theta Kappa shall be employed by the Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Executive Director at a rate of compensation set by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall have the authority to employ and compensate temporary staff employees as may become necessary for the orderly operation of the Society, but no such employee shall remain in the employment of the Society for over six months without the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 5.  Regional Coordinators.
A Regional Coordinator of Phi Theta Kappa shall be an advisor of a local chapter of the Society and shall represent Phi Theta Kappa at regional meetings.

A.  Terms of Office.
A regional coordinator shall serve a one-year term which is subject to renewal.

B.  Election of Regional Coordinators.
Regional coordinators are appointed to office by the Executive Committee upon the recommendation of the Executive Director.

C.  Duties of Regional Coordinators.
The duties of regional coordinators of Phi Theta Kappa shall be:
(1)  To work closely with the regional officers in planning and executing programs.
(2)  To assist the officers in directing regional activities of the Society.
(3)  To correspond and communicate with the National* Headquarters in guiding regional activities of the Society.


Article VI.  Local Organizations

Section 1.  Local Chapters.
The local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall be classified as an active chapter, a provisional chapter or an alumni chapter.

A.  Active Chapters.
An active chapter is one which is fully affiliated with the National* Headquarters of Phi Theta Kappa; has been included on the roll of active chapters by having complied with the necessary requirements; and has been issued a charter.

Charter Procedure:
(1)  The president of a two-year college should submit a letter of application to the Executive Director.
(2)  The applicant should complete forms of application supplied by the National* Headquarters. These require the following information: the name and address of the two-year college applying for membership; a certification of full accreditation; the signature of the president of the two-year college applying for membership; and the signature of at least five members of the student body eligible for membership in Phi Theta Kappa.
(3)  The applicant shall pay the charter fee to the National* Headquarters.
(4)  The Executive Director, on the direction of the Board of Directors, shall issue the charter.
(5)  The new chapter shall submit a list of the names of the charter members as well as those of the officers of the chapter and that of the chapter advisor.

B.  Provisional Chapters.
A provisional chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is one which meets the same requirements as an active chapter except that the two-year college which sponsors the chapter is only provisionally accredited by educational authorities.
(1)  Provisional chapter status results in the granting of a provisional charter; such a charter is in effect for five years.
(2)  Transition to active status occurs when a provisional chapter becomes an active chapter at the time the two-year college sponsoring the chapter achieves full accreditation. At this time, the president and advisor of the provisional chapter should inform the National* Headquarters in writing, so that a new charter may be issued.
(3)  A provisional charter may be extended for one year, in addition to the five years granted on the issuance of the provisional charter, upon petition of the president of the sponsoring school and the provisional chapter advisor. The petition must state that full accreditation is expected within the year and must document that assertion.
(4)  No member of a provisional chapter may serve as a national* officer of Phi Theta Kappa.
(5)  A provisional charter of Phi Theta Kappa expires after five years unless the provisional chapter becomes an active chapter. Upon the expiration of the provisional charter, the provisional charter will be removed from the rolls of the Society.

C.  Alumni Chapters.
An alumni chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is one which is fully affiliated with the National* Headquarters of Phi Theta Kappa; has been included in the roll of alumni chapters by having complied with the requirements necessary to be an alumni chapter; and has been issued an alumni chapter charter.

Procedure for Establishing an Alumni Chapter:
(1)  The submission of an application for an alumni chapter charter by at least ten members of Phi Theta Kappa, stating the location of the chapter; the submission of a prospectus which assures the permanence of the alumni chapter;
(2)  The payment of an alumni chapter charter fee to the National* Headquarters;
(3)  The submission of a list of proposed members of the alumni chapter; and
(4)  The approval by the Board of Directors of the application for alumni chapter charter.

Section 2.  Dissolution of Chapters.
A chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall have the right to dissolve the affiliation between itself and Phi Theta Kappa, but upon such dissolution no local chapter will be allowed to continue to use the name, symbols, colors or emblems of Phi Theta Kappa and the chapter will be removed from the rolls of Phi Theta Kappa.

Section 3. Discipline of Local Chapters.
The national* organization of Phi Theta Kappa shall be responsible for the discipline of local chapters which do not adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws, rules and regulations of the Society.

A.  Probation.
Any local chapter which refuses to adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws, and policies of the Society shall be placed on probation by a joint action of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
(1)  The terms of the probation shall be determined by the Board of Directors, but the probation shall be for not longer than two years.
(2)  Any chapter on probation loses its right to vote at the National* Convention, and no member of a chapter on probation shall be allowed to hold national* office in the Society.

B.  Revocation of Charter.
In the event that any local chapter shall violate the Constitution, Bylaws, and/or policies of the Society in an open and defiant manner, the charter of the chapter shall be revoked upon a petition from three-fourths of the active chapters to the Board of Directors requesting such action and a four-fifths vote of the Board of Directors approving such revocation. No sponsoring institution which has had a charter revoked for a local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa will be allowed to apply again for a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa for at least two years from the time of the revocation of the charter of the previous chapter.

Section 4.  Surrender of Charter of Chapters.
In the event that the institution which sponsors the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa should either become a college not offering a two-year college program or lose its accreditation, the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall have a period of two years in which to surrender its charter.


Article VII.  Meetings and Procedures

Section 1.  Meetings.
There should be such meetings of the Society as shall be deemed necessary and proper as provided for within this Section.

A.  National* Convention.
There shall be an annual National* Convention of the Society. This convention shall be held in March or April of each year. Plans for the convention shall be determined by the Executive Director and be approved by the Executive Committee.

B.  Regional Meetings.
There shall be annual regional meetings of the Society as approved by the Executive Director and the Executive Committee.

C.  Local Chapter Meetings.
The local chapters shall meet as often as the local chapter bylaws require.

D.  Special Meetings.
The Executive Director, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may convene any special meetings of the Society, or any sub-group thereof, as may be deemed necessary and proper for the resolution of the business of the Society, or for any other purpose not contrary to this Constitution.

Section 2.  Procedure.
The procedural rules governing the meetings of the Society shall be Robert's Rules of Order, except as specified and set forth herein.

A.  Voting.
The persons allowed to vote at the meetings of the Society shall be as follows:
(1)  National* Convention.
Each active chapter shall be entitled to one vote at the National* Convention. This vote shall be cast by the official chapter delegate who is present and recognized at the National* Convention.
(2)  Regional Meetings.
Each active chapter shall be entitled to one vote at the regional meetings of the Society, to be cast by the official delegate for that chapter recognized by that meeting.
(3)  Special Meetings.
Each active chapter shall be entitled to one vote at any special meeting of the Society, to be cast by the official delegate for that chapter recognized by that meeting.
(4)  Local Chapter Meetings.
Voting procedures in a local chapter shall be determined by the local chapter.

B.  Quorum
National* officers and official delegates present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Article VIII.  Finance

Section 1.  Tax Exemption.
The Society shall be operated exclusively for educational purposes and shall be exempt from taxation under Section 501(a) and described in Section 501(c)(3) in the Internal Revenue Code. No part of its net earnings shall insure to the benefit of any private individual except that reasonable compensation shall be paid for services actually rendered.

Section 2.  Fees.
Charter and membership fees shall be fixed by the Board of Directors.

Section 3.  Expenditure of Funds.
All fees, donations, grants, and other types of financial income shall be expended for the purposes of this Society.

Section 4.  Financial Report.
The Executive Director shall present a complete financial report for approval to the Board of Directors at the annual meeting of the Board of Directors. A statement of the financial condition of the Society shall be published annually in the official publication of Phi Theta Kappa.

Section 5.  Financial Obligations.
No financial obligation shall be incurred by any officer or committee except as authorized within annual budgets or except under authority of special interim action which has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 6.  Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the Society shall be fixed by the Bylaws.

Section 7.  Provision of Dissolution.
If the Society should ever cease to operate as provided for in its charter of incorporation or in its Constitution, the accumulated assets shall be distributed in accordance with the laws of the State of Incorporation and the laws of the United States of America.


Article IX.  Amendments


Section 1.  Constitution.
The Constitution of Phi Theta Kappa Society may be amended at any time in the following manner:
A.  A written amendment shall be submitted to the Executive Director at least thirty days prior to the National* Convention.
B.  The amendment shall then be presented at the National* Convention for discussion and possible approval. Tentative approval shall require a two-thirds vote of the delegates present at the National* Convention.
C.  If a tentative approval is passed at the convention, the amendment shall be submitted thereafter to the local chapters for consideration.
(1) A four-fifths affirmative vote by all of the local chapters voting shall approve the amendment.
D.  After approval, the amendment shall be added to the Constitution.

Section 2.  Bylaws.
The Bylaws of Phi Theta Kappa may be amended at any time in the following manner:
A.  A proposed change in the Bylaws shall be submitted to the Executive Director by any active chapter, national* officer, or member of the Board of Directors at least thirty days prior to the regular annual meeting of the Board of Directors.
B.  Approval of any proposed change in Bylaws shall require a three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 3.  Prohibition of Amendments.
Amendments shall not prevent the Society from operating exclusively for nonprofit educational purposes and in a manner which makes the Society tax exempt nor prevents the deduction of donations from taxable income to the extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Code.

Constitution & Bylaws: About Us
Constitution & Bylaws: About Us



Adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors, December 1988. Revised January 2000:

Regarding the practice of withholding membership privileges due to a member's failure to actively participate in activities and projects of the chapter:


  • No chapter of Phi Theta Kappa may deny privileges of membership guaranteed by Phi Theta Kappa Headquarters to any Phi Theta Kappa member.

    • This statement should be understood to mean that chapters may not deny such membership privileges and benefits as wearing the honor stole, tassel and/or cord at graduation based on the member's grade point average, their participation in chapter activities, or on any other factor, provided the member is in good standing with the chapter.

    • This policy should also be understood to mean that no member may be dropped from the membership roll due to lack of participation in chapter activities.

Current procedure for replacing International Officers:
(as previously approved by the Board of Directors in August 1991)


When an International Officer has resigned or is removed from office before completion of their term, the following procedure is initiated in filling the vacant office:

  • If the office becomes vacant before Summer Orientation:

    • According to the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution, when the office of the International President becomes vacant prior to the summer Headquarters orientation, the four International Vice Presidents elect a new International President from among them. The Vice President who is elected to serve out the term as International President is replaced by the candidate who received the next highest number of votes for that Vice President's position, provided that candidate still meets all other eligibility requirements for serving as an International Officer.

    • When the office of an International Vice President becomes vacant prior to the summer Headquarters orientation, he/she is replaced by the candidate who received the next highest number of votes for that Vice President's position, provided that candidate still meets all other eligibility criteria for serving as an International Officer.

  • If the office becomes vacant after Summer Orientation:

    • When the office of the International President becomes vacant after the summer Headquarters orientation, the four International Vice Presidents elect a new International President from among them. The Vice President who is elected to serve out the term as International President serves in dual capacities; both as International President and International Vice President.

    • When the office of an International Vice President becomes vacant after the summer Headquarters orientation, he/she is not replaced.

Board of Directors Constitutional Interpretation Regarding Process for International Officer Candidacy:

  • As presented in the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution, Article V, Section 2-C: Any active member of Phi Theta Kappa shall be eligible for national (international) candidacy.

  • The Board of Directors of Phi Theta Kappa interprets this to mean that every member has an equal opportunity to seek candidacy for International Office following campaign guidelines established by International Headquarters. Regional organizations cannot modify the established International Office campaign procedures through a regional screening process or in any other way.
    Adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors, April 1995:
    No student otherwise eligible for membership may be denied membership based on lack of participation in chapter activities.
    Adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors, January 1996:
    All local chapter bylaws must be in compliance with the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution and Policies, and must be submitted to Headquarters for approval. All local chapter bylaws must be approved by the local college administration.
    This new policy statement is designed to address situations involving the question of who has the final authority in deciding issues that will affect the future of the chapter. This statement will give college administrators, chapter members and chapter advisors a better understanding of the proper channels to follow when a decision is not mutually agreed upon by the chapter advisor and voting members.
    Because the charter of a chapter is granted to an institution, that institution's top administrator --- the college president or campus CEO --- has the final authority on deciding an issue upon which the advisor and members cannot agree, as long as that decision is in compliance with the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution and Bylaws.
    Example: If a chapter votes in favor of an issue that the advisor feels is not in the best interests of the chapter, the advisor, as an agent of the college, may veto the vote. If the chapter's voting members want to challenge that veto, they may present the issue to the college administrator charged with overseeing the local Phi Theta Kappa chapter. This individual is usually the Dean of Students or Vice President of Academic Affairs. If this administrator rules in favor of the advisor, the members may appeal this decision to the college president or campus CEO. Likewise, if the administrator rules in favor of the members, the advisor may appeal this decision to the college president or campus CEO.
    Adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors, October 1998:
    Regarding the standard grade point average used to determine eligibility of students wishing to transfer their membership from one chapter to another:
    The local chapter may use either their membership eligibility standard or maintenance standard when determining eligibility of Phi Theta Kappa members requesting to transfer membership into their chapter. The standard selected, however, must be used consistently and identified in the chapter's bylaws.
    Regarding the appointment of Voting Delegates at International Conventions:
    Only active members of active chapters may serve as voting delegates at the International Convention. Neither alumni members nor chapter advisors may serve as voting delegates for the chapter.
    Regarding the appointment of chapter advisors in reference to their employment by the college where the chapter is located:
    In order to serve as a chapter advisor, an individual must be an employee of the college where the chapter is located.
    Adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors, October 1998:
    Qualifications and Duties of a Regional Coordinator
    The Regional Coordinator serves as the leader of the region. The Coordinator facilitates the integral relationship among chapters in the region, between Headquarters and the chapters, and between Phi Theta Kappa and the two-year college.
    I. Eligibility
    1. The Regional Coordinator must be a two-year college chapter advisor. While it is not required by the Constitution and up to the Coordinator as to the extent of involvement, it is strongly recommended that each Coordinator work with a co-advisor.
    2. The Regional Coordinator must be an employee on at least a half-time basis having an annual contract or appointment with the same two-year college where serving as a chapter advisor. An annual contract or appointment means that the Coordinator has a binding commitment with that college to provide service for one academic year. Temporary changes in status due, for example, to sabbatical, parenting leave, or illness shall not affect eligibility.
    The concerns for strong connection to the college include communication, accessibility, visibility on the campus, support from administration, and direct and frequent contact with chapter members and co-advisors and with other chapters in the region.
    The Regional Coordinator will have office facilities, a telephone, mail box, and fax number on campus, in order to contribute to the life of the chapter, college, and region. It is expected that the Coordinator will have online access to electronic communication.
    II. Selection Process
    1. Headquarters will submit to chapter advisors and college presidents in the region forms for nominating chapter advisors for the position of Interim Coordinator.
    2. From these nominations a finalist(s) will be interviewed by the Executive Director.
    Selection of the Interim Coordinator will be announced in writing by Headquarters to all chapter advisors and college presidents.
    3. Following selection, the Interim Coordinator will attend an orientation session at Headquarters. During the orientation, the Interim Coordinator will work with the Director of Regional Programs who will assist in establishing goals, assign a mentor, and provide guidelines for the mentoring relationship.
    4. One year following the orientation, the Interim Coordinator will review with the Director of Regional Programs progress made toward the attainment of established goals.
    5. The Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director will make a recommendation to the Executive Director regarding the appointment of the Interim Coordinator as Regional Coordinator.
    6. Following approval of the recommendation for the appointment of the Interim Coordinator as Regional Coordinator, the Executive Director will direct the Executive Committee to appoint the Regional Coordinator as outlined in Article V, Section 5(B) of the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution.
    Should the Interim Coordinator choose not to be considered as Regional Coordinator, or the Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director not recommend the appointment of the Interim Coordinator as Regional Coordinator, or the Executive Director not approve the recommendation submitted, a new Interim Regional Coordinator will be selected according to the stated process.
    7. The Executive Director will notify the Interim Coordinator regarding appointment.
    8. Once the Regional Coordinator is appointed, Headquarters staff will notify in writing all chapter advisors and college presidents within the region.
    9. A Regional Coordinator will serve a one-year term, which is subject to renewal [Article V, Section 5(A) of the Phi Theta Kappa Constitution].
    III. Responsibilities
    The Regional Coordinator serves as head of the Phi Theta Kappa Region by
    Demonstrating at all times the highest level of professionalism, which reflects positively on the Coordinator, chapter, region and Society.
    Managing the affairs of the region through effective planning, organizing, coordinating and evaluating.
    Nurturing the development of students and chapters at the local and regional levels.
    Ensuring frequent and consistent communications on the local, regional and international levels.
    Cultivating the support of and positive relations with administrators and faculty at local and regional levels.
    Participating frequently and consistently in chapter, college, regional and international activities.
    The following are responsibilities of each Regional Coordinator.
    Each Coordinator will
    1. Serve as head of the region.
    2. Work directly with the Director of Regional Programs at Headquarters.
    3. Attend and fully participate in the Regional Coordinator Meeting at the International Convention and other Coordinator meetings convened by Headquarters.
    4. Oversee the election of a Coordinator Advisory Committee, explain the responsibilities of the committee, and serve as a member.
    5. Attend and fully participate in all official regional meetings.
    The Coordinator will direct the planning of the Leadership Conference, Convention, and Honors Institute (if offered) and ensure that information about these programs is sent out in a timely manner. While the Coordinator is responsible for these programs, he/she usually coordinates the programs with a host chapter. The Coordinator must have input in and final approval of the agenda.
    The selection process for hosting regional events must be open and communicated to all chapters in the region. To host a regional meeting, a chapter must provide authorization and evidence of support from the college administration and advisor. The process for selecting a host chapter(s) should ensure that all chapters are encouraged to participate and that meetings are rotated to all geographical areas of the region when practical.
    6. Hold an organizational meeting to plan regional activities and set goals for the coming year.
    Goals set at this meeting will be distributed as soon as possible to all the chapters in the region and to Headquarters.
    7. Hold a formal Regional Officer Orientation as soon as possible following the election of officers.
    This orientation is intended to bring together the Coordinator and officers to explain the role and responsibilities of the Regional Officer as defined by the Regional Bylaws and the Honor Code, to identify goals for the officer's term, and to develop a positive working relationship to achieve these goals. The Coordinator should work closely with the Regional Officer throughout the year.
    8. Communicate frequently and consistently with Headquarters staff and respond to requests in a timely manner.
    9. Administer the Five Star Chapter Development Program.
    The Regional Coordinator is required to keep on file the Five Star Goal and Update Report forms submitted by the chapters and to communicate the names of the chapters and their award levels to Headquarters in time for certificates to be prepared for presentation at the appropriate regional meeting.
    10. Supervise the Regional Awards Program.
    The Regional Coordinator will not serve as a judge. The judging will be done by persons outside the region and according to criteria determined by the Regional Coordinator Advisory Committee. (Yearbook and art entries may be judged by local experts on site.)
    11. Collect regional fees and supervise the regional treasury.
    If regional funds are not deposited within a college account, the Regional Coordinator is responsible for depositing funds in an insured bank account. The signature card for this account must bear both the names of the Regional Coordinator and the Phi Theta Kappa Executive Director. However, the Regional Coordinator is authorized as a sole signatory. The Coordinator will prepare and present a financial report to the Regional Convention and submit within two weeks a copy to the Director of Regional Programs.
    12. Appoint for a defined term the region's Presidential Ambassador (with input provided by the Coordinator Advisory Committee and Executive Director).
    The Regional Coordinator will meet with the Presidential Ambassador to develop goals and work closely with him/her to achieve these goals.
    13. Supervise a structured orientation and/or a mentoring program for new advisors as developed by the Coordinator Advisory Committee.
    14. Supervise the development and distribution of regional written and electronic communications which include newsletters, handbook/directory, and other necessary communications.
    15. Report promptly to the Membership Services Department at Headquarters changes in advisor information.
    16. Report to the Chapter Programs Department at Headquarters the chapters, advisors, and members who deserve recognition other than through the Society's International Hallmark Awards Program (i.e., features in publications, special commendations, etc.)
    17. Submit to Headquarters a "State of the Region" Report.
    The Report will include an evaluation of the achievement of the regional goals established at the Regional Planning Meeting held earlier in the year, the State of the Region Report, and the Financial Report (using the form provided by Headquarters). These reports are to be presented at the Regional Convention and submitted to Director of Regional Programs along with a copy of the region's current bylaws within two weeks after the Regional Convention.
    18. Submit to the Director of Regional Programs requests for reimbursements along with receipts within 60 days of incurring such expense.
    IV. Benefits
    1. Travel Grant
    A travel grant of $1,250 per year is provided to cover the Regional Coordinator's travel costs associated with representing Phi Theta Kappa at meetings and chapter events held throughout the region.
    2. Honors Institute Scholarship and Travel Assistance
    An Honors Institute Scholarship is provided to each Regional Coordinator providing funds for payment of tuition, travel expenses, room, and board fees to attend the Honors Institute.
    3. International Convention Travel
    Travel expenses to attend the Convention are paid by Headquarters. A scholarship is provided which pays for registration fees and Convention Hotel lodging. Meals not included in the Convention Program are the responsibility of the Regional Coordinator.
    4. Recognition Opportunities
    Regional Coordinators are eligible to receive the Distinguished Regional Coordinator Award and, as a recipient of this award, may compete for the Mosal Award for Scholarship or Leadership.
    5. Professional Development
    Interim Regional Coordinators attend a formal orientation at Headquarters. Additionally, Regional Coordinators participate in the annual Regional Coordinator Pre-Conference held during the International Convention.
    A scholarship is provided for the Regional Coordinator to attend and participate in a Leadership Development Studies Certification Seminar. Fees include certification, Instructor's Guide, student textbook, lodging and meals.
    A scholarship is provided which pays for registration fees for the Regional Coordinator to participate in an annual conference for certified faculty.
    6. Stationery and business cards
    Headquarters provides Regional Coordinators Phi Theta Kappa letterhead, personalized envelopes and business cards upon request.

    V. Term Review and Renewal
    1. Following the Regional Convention but prior to the planning meeting, the Headquarters staff will review with the Regional Coordinator the progress of the Region, the achievement of regional goals, and the identification of areas for regional improvement.
    2. The Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director will make a recommendation to the Executive Director regarding the renewal of the appointment.
    3. The Executive Director will notify the Regional Coordinator of the renewal decision.
    4. Should the Regional Coordinator choose not to continue to serve, or the Director of Regional Programs and the Associate Director not recommend the renewal of the term for the Regional Coordinator, or the Executive Director not approve the recommendation submitted, a new Interim Regional Coordinator will be selected according to the stated process.
    Phi Theta Kappa Honor Code for Regional Officers
    Mission Statement
    The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
    In support of the Society's Mission Statement, the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors adopts this Honor Code as a declaration of the high standards of conduct to which Regional Officers are held. This Honor Code is not simply a set of rules and procedures governing Regional Officers' academic conduct, nor is it a legal contractual obligation of Phi Theta Kappa or the Regional Officer; it is an opportunity to put personal responsibility and integrity into action. Regional Officers will abide by this code which liberates them to serve the Region and the Society in an atmosphere of mutual confidence and respect. The success of the Code depends upon the support of the Region. Infractions should be reported to a chapter advisor, who may communicate this information to the Regional Coordinator.
    As a Regional Officer...
    I will conduct myself at all times in a manner that reflects positively on myself, my chapter, my region and the Society.
    I place as a priority continued academic excellence.
    I am committed to maintaining an environment which recognizes the dignity of each individual member and encourages appreciation of diverse backgrounds, opinions and goals in life.
    I am committed to honesty and integrity in personal, social, and academic endeavors.
    I recognize that a successful Regional Executive Committee (or name of Regional Officer group) requires a team effort, and I pledge to work together to promote the Society's Mission.
    I will work with the Regional Coordinator and the Society's leaders in the same spirit of cooperation I display in my dealings with others.
    I will respond promptly, courteously, and positively to the concerns and requests of the Regional Coordinator and other Society constituents.
    I will fulfill my responsibilities in an effective, efficient, and timely manner.
    I will conduct myself in a manner which is respectful of others and worthy of respect from others.
    I will dress appropriately for any and all occasions.
    I will not engage in any conduct which may bring shame or disrepute to myself or diminish the reputation of my Region or Phi Theta Kappa.
    I will not engage in any illegal activity or violate any stated policies of the Region or the Society.
    I will not consume and will discourage the consumption of alcohol at Phi Theta Kappa functions.
    I will not use or possess nor tolerate the use or possession of controlled substances.
    I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Code. I further understand and agree that my continued service as a regional officer is a privilege, not a right, and that violation of this code will subject me to discipline determined appropriate by the Regional Coordinator or his/her designees. Additionally, I understand that pursuant to the procedures outlined by the Regional Bylaws, I have the right to appeal disciplinary action which results in my removal from office.
    Criteria For Establishing New Regions
    I. Criteria for Obtaining Regional Candidacy Status:
    Headquarters will determine whether an area qualifies for candidacy status upon consideration of the following factors: percentage of colleges with chartered chapters, percentage of active chapters (reporting new members), and geographical factors.

    II. Candidacy Status:
    Once an area has been determined by Headquarters to be qualified for candidacy status, Headquarters will establish a steering committee consisting of a minimum of three advisors and two students (representing 5 different chapters from the prospective region), and a Headquarters staff member.

    III. Criteria for Obtaining Regional Status:
    Once regional candidacy status is approved, the following goals and objectives should be accomplished within a time frame established by the steering committee: (Meeting the following requirements will not automatically result in the granting of regional status; Headquarters staff reserves the right to waive criteria, postpone or delay the recommendation for the granting of regional status to the Board of Directors.)
    1. One hundred percent of chapters will hold at least one induction during the academic year.
    2. One hundred percent of chapters will submit an Annual Report to International Headquarters.
    3. One hundred percent of chapters will have approved chapter bylaws on file at Headquarters.
    4. Fifty percent of chapters will participate in the Five Star Chapter Development Program.
    5. Fifty percent of chapters will submit at least one Hallmark Award entry to Headquarters.
    6. The steering committee will plan and host at least two regional meetings within the proposed region.
    7. Fifty percent of the chapters will attend at least two regional meetings within the proposed region.
    8. At least fifty percent of the colleges with chapters will submit nominations for the All-USA Academic Team.
    9. Regional bylaws will be drafted by the steering committee and circulated to all chapters in the proposed region for approval.
    10. The steering committee will submit for approval to Headquarters a final report on the attainment of goals and objectives, and the ratified regional bylaws.
    11. Headquarters Staff will review the report and regional bylaws to determine whether or not to recommend to the Board of Directors that regional status be granted.
    12. When regional status is granted by the Board of Directors, an Interim Regional Coordinator and Presidential Ambassador will be nominated and appointed according to established procedures.

    IV. Support Provided by Headquarters During Regional Candidacy Status:
    1. Headquarters will pay for travel expenses for a staff member to attend, coordinate and participate in steering committee meetings. The Headquarters staff member will serve as a member of the steering committee.
    2. Headquarters will provide five scholarships to pay registration fees, three for advisors each from different colleges to attend the International Advisor Education Conference and International Convention and two for students each from different colleges to attend the Officer Academy and International Convention. (Pre-conferences/Academies must be attended in addition to the Convention in order to use the scholarships).
    3. Once candidacy status is approved, regional fees will be collected and held in escrow by Headquarters for the proposed region until regional status has been granted by the Board of Directors.
    4. The steering committee may submit to Headquarters for approval, a proposal for a grant of up to $500 to defray costs for regional programs or events.
    Adopted by the Phi Theta Kappa Board of Directors, January 2000:
    Professional Guidelines For Serving as an International Officer
    1. International Officers must be active participants in their local chapter activities.
    2. Phi Theta Kappa International Officers must enroll in and successfully complete a minimum of six credit hours in each of at least two semesters/quarters during their term. Up to three hours of coursework that does not require the student to be on campus may be counted in the six hour total.
    3. International Officers must not send mass mailings via e-mail or postal mail without consultation and approval from their International Headquarters contact.
    4. International Officers must not initiate or commit the Society to programs or projects without prior consultation and approval from their International Headquarters contact.
    5. International Officers must not make their own Society-related travel arrangements. Their International Headquarters contact will approve and confirm Officers' airline and hotel reservations to Society-related events. Once the Officers' travel is confirmed, Officers must not change travel arrangements except in cases of emergency, and then only at the approval of their International Headquarters contact.
    6. International Officers must include their International Headquarters contact in all conference calls in which all Officers are participating in order to promote a climate for effective and open communication.
    7. International Officers must submit all Regional Meeting Reports and Expense Reports to the International Headquarters contact no more than three days after returning from a Society event.
    8. International Officers must obtain prior approval from their International Headquarters contact before sending any mass correspondence to Society constituents.
    9. International Officers must send their International Headquarters contact courtesy copies of all official correspondence e-mailed or postal mailed to regional officers, regional coordinators and other Society constituents.
    10. International Officers must not solicit invitations to attend Society-related events.
    11. International Officers must direct all invitations to attend chapter or regional events to their International Headquarters contact. Officers must not accept invitations to attend Society-related events without prior consultation and approval from their International Headquarters contact.
    12. International Officers must not schedule meetings or activities with Phi Theta Kappa chapters or regions without advance consultation with their International Headquarters contact. International Headquarters establishes each Officer's participation in Society-related events. Officers must not attend Society-related events that International Headquarters has not assigned and/or approved for them to attend, even if the Officer is willing to cover expenses associated with attending the events.
    13. International Officers must not rely on their advisor, secretary or relatives to correspond with International Headquarters. Officers are responsible for personally fulfilling all responsibilities. International Officers must personally complete their Regional Meeting Reports, Regional Expense Reports and all other assignments.
    14. International Officers must not make personal transactions on their Phi Theta Kappa Business Charge Card.
    15. International Officers must plan ahead for speaking engagements and should not request that Headquarters staff ship materials and supplies to them for overnight or rush delivery.
    16. International Officers must understand that policies and procedures regarding Officers vary from year to year depending on the Society's budget, resources and priorities. Privileges, requirements or responsibilities of previous International Officers may not necessarily be applicable to the current International Officers.

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